Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear.
Norman Vincent Peale

How do you build and develop confidence?

Obviously, the level of confidence between individuals varies widely. Some people are genetically predisposed to more confidence while others have less.

But are ways to increase your confidence.

One way to increase your confidence is to practice courage. You practice courage by intentionally stepping out of your comfort zone and exposing yourself to events and situations that cause you anxiety and even fear.

Let me caveat by saying that I am not recommending you put yourself in harm’s way, mentally or physically.

There are ways that you can relatively safely put yourself in physically and mentally challenging situations but have a high probability of causing you no immediate harm.

Take bungee jumping, for example. When a person leaps from the top of a bridge or crane strapped to a large bungee cord, their body experiences all the sensations of a free fall that could lead to severe injuries or even death in any other circumstance. The anxiety and fear are real and must be overcome before they leap.

You don’t have to start by participating in bungee jumping or any other physical activity that might seem extreme to you to build your confidence. For you, it could be baby steps, simple, out-of-the-norm activities that help increase your level of confidence.

Maybe for you, something simple, like talking to strangers or driving an unknown route, any action that causes you to feel a little anxious is a good place to start. And who knows, with enough time and baby steps, you might end up at the end of a bungee cord.

The wonderful thing about building confidence is that it’s a transferable skill. While not transferable to all situations, it does enable you to turn down your anxiety response.  

So, the next time you find yourself getting anxious about a situation, instead of avoiding it, recall another time when you practiced courage. Use that feeling to remind you of what you’re capable of and to increase your confidence as you take on the new challenge.

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