Do you want to be healthy?
Can you do one pushup or jumping jack?
If yes, do it now,
Yes, right now.
If you can and you don’t then there’s a high likelihood that you won’t, not because you can’t, but you don’t really want too.
Do you want to improve your finances?
Put a dollar into a savings account right now.
That’s right, stop reading and do it right now.
Did you do it?
If you can and you don’t, then…
Yes, you’ve heard it before.
Think about all the things can you do and you don’t, and it’s not because you can’t.
Would you like to improve your relationships?
Call, text, or just tell someone how you feel about them.
Do it right now.
Don’t wait.
Do whatever you can do right now that will move you one step closer to the life you want for yourself.
Don’t worry; this blog post will still be here when you get back. And you will have made progress in your life, so I’m okay even if don’t finish reading it.
If you’re still reading then maybe it’s time to get honest with yourself.
After you’re done reading take out a sheet of paper and draw four columns
In the first column make a list of all the things you think you want to do. Now label the other three columns, can, can’t, won’t. Next, read your list and put checkmarks in the appropriate columns.
Here’s where the being honest with yourself really kicks in.
For example, if you really want to improve your health, and you have the ability (can) to take action right now, but you don’t, then put a checkmark in the won’t column and then ask yourself, why not?
What’s holding you back?
If you have the ability, and you don’t take action, well that means that you might really not want to. This might sound a little harsh at first, but it’s not meant to. You see the majority of people have the ability to take at least the smallest action towards whatever it is they think they want out of life, and they think that they’ll take that step later, but they don’t.
What they don’t realize is that there’s something magical about immediate action. The first action or step builds confidence and provides momentum.
Why is momentum so important?
Because it moves you out of your current state. It breaks the inertia, aka a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.
So if you’re still reading and haven’t done that pushup yet, or told someone how you feel about them please do it now. Get out of the won’t column, leverage momentum and start taking small steps towards the life you want.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.