A doctor becomes an artist.
An engineer becomes an elementary school teacher.
A sociologist becomes an entrepreneur.
A mathematician becomes an astronaut.
The career track you start out on doesn’t have to be the track you finish on.
In fact the world is full of examples of people that studied one thing and ended up doing something totally different. Sometimes it happens by accident, and other times they realize it wasn’t what they thought it was going to be, so they made the change.
It takes courage to make such changes because the world has already categorized you as one thing, and now you’re going to be something totally different.
And you’re going to have to answer the question.
Why did you change careers?
What will you say?
Do you have the courage to answer the question?
Or will the fear of the question prevent you from changing?
You might think not, but there are people all around you today that are extremely dissatisfied with their careers, but will not change because they are afraid of the question.
They will let the question hold them hostage for their entire lives, only to realize, and sometimes too late, that they could have answered the question with a simple answer of, ‘I no longer enjoyed it and wanted to do something different.’
Yes, there will be follow up questions, especially in the form of the, what if’s?
But if you’re resolute in your actions you can power through and also learn to deflect such questions. Because deep down you’ll know this is ultimately your life and only you get to decide what you’re going to do with it.
So if you have an opportunity to change careers, or learn about a career that you’ve never heard of, or never previously existed and you want to explore, don’t let what you’re already doing hold you back. Take measured steps, be wise about it, but don’t be afraid to change.
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