
What is your super power? The thing that you are so good at that you always feel confident when you do it? The skill that when you look back on your life you know you could always rely on?

If you don’t know, or are not sure what your super power is then think of a time when someone asked you ‘how do you that? You’re so good at that? Or, ‘that comes so easily to you? These are all clues to what your super power is. You can also think about activities that you really enjoy doing, productive activities that you would do for free.

Once you identify your super power then you can learn to nurture and grow it. You can design your life around it. You can find roles or jobs that leverage your inherent talent and when you do you will ultimately do and feel better.

Break your routine

Break one of your routines today. Choose one thing you do every day and change it just for today. It doesn’t have to be huge change; in fact it can be a small as using a different cup for coffee, using the opposite hand to brush your teeth or sitting somewhere else at work. Just something that feels a little different.

Making a small change to a routine will engage a different part of your brain and spark new connections. You’ll see the world differently and experience different emotions.

Breaking a routine can be a great gateway for creating new habits. It can give you the courage to eventually make bigger more drastic changes because you learn to get comfortable with change. Try it today, because you have nothing to lose. If you don’t like the change you can always go back to your routine.


What if I told you that regardless of what you do you, there is a high probability that you will not be happier? I know this sounds a little depressing but let me explain.

The concept is called the hedonic treadmill also known as a hedonic set point. In a nutshell the theory states that the majority of people will return to a base line of happiness after experiencing a brief increase due to an external event.

So what does this mean in everyday life?

Losing weight will make you healthier but not happier.

Making more money will make you wealthier but not happier.

Nicer cars, bigger houses, designer clothing, might make you fit in with certain groups or more popular but not happier.

Having children…this one is really interesting. Harvard psychology professor Daniel Gilbert’s book Stumbling on Happiness looked at several studies and found that children give adults many things, but an “increase in daily happiness is probably not among them.”

So what do we do now? Do we stop pursuing, chasing, working towards accomplishments? I don’t think so. However, maybe we take pause and ask ourselves why we want what we want? Is it just to make us happier or do we have deeper motivations.