When was the last time you checked your ego at the door?
While you can’t physically check or leave your ego at the door, you can on occasion intentionally disarm your ego.
At your core, your ego is how you view yourself. It’s your identity. And what happens when someone attacks or implies that a part of your identity is mistaken or just outright wrong? Well, if you’re like most people then it hurts your feelings and you move into a defensive and protective mode. And this mode can be a number of things, all the way from shutting down emotionally to physically lashing out.
Detaching yourself or dropping your ego is by no means an easy thing to do, but it’s almost a necessary ingredient for personal growth. In order to receive feedback or improve in any area of your life, you have to be open to the idea that you’re either doing something incorrectly or that there’s room for improvement. You have to be open to changing how you see yourself, which is, of course, easier said than done.
You have to decide if your goal in life is to get better or be right. While being right in the moment might feel good, it doesn’t move you forward. Holding on to your ego all costs will limit your life experiences and ultimately your life because you will remain tied to one identity of yourself. But once you decide to check your ego your at the door you’ll free yourself from your self-identified constraints and experience a fuller and richer life.
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