What can you learn about yourself today?
Why is getting to know yourself important?
Learning about yourself does take time. It requires you to ask deep and at times, difficult questions, some that you might not want to ask or answer. But the earlier in life you start asking yourself introspective questions, the better prepared you’ll be for the future.
The majority of people stumble through life, not quite sure of who they really are, and rarely stopping to learn anything about themselves besides their surface-level pleasures and wants.
Discovering who you are, or perhaps uncovering who you are at your core is an exercise that well worth the investment of your time.
One way to begin to learn who you are is to check your vitals. No, not the same vitals that medical professionals check, but by using the acronym VITALS. The letters stand for: Values, Interests, Temperament, Around-the-Clock (The “around-the-clock” category refers to when you like to do things—your biorhythms), Life Mission and Goals, and Strengths/Skills.
Consider checking your VITALS at least once a year. Think of it as your annual mental checkup and schedule it just like you would do for a yearly physical checkup. Track your answers over time to see if at your core you change or remain consistent. No judgment, just observation.
Is learning about yourself necessary? Of course not.
Is learning about yourself worth the time and effort? I’ll leave that up to you to determine.