What are our common denominators?
If you remember fractions from your math class, the common denominator was when the number under the numerator (top number) was the same.
Well, as people, we all have common denominators.
We all have things in common that we strive for and work towards.
You can boil them down to a degree of comfort, a desire to feel as though you are loved, friendship, and some semblance of predictability or stability in life.
If you spend enough time with people, you will find that these denominators—and perhaps a few that I’ve missed—are what bind us together as humans. We are all essentially seeking the same things in life; we’re just going about it in different ways.
Once you realize that the person next to you or across from you is just like you, you can begin to have the same empathy for them that you hope people have for you. Although your physical appearance is different from each other, deep down, your desires are the same.
Seeing people as you see yourself can change your perspective on almost every interaction with another person. If you let it, they will feel it. You will begin to exude natural warmth because you’ll start treating other people how you want to be treated.
When you begin to focus on the common denominators, they will become amplified, and you will transition from an individual mindset to a collective mindset. You will begin to behave in a way that’s not just good for you but also good for everyone.
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