What emotion are you feeling right now?
Where are you feeling it?
If you said or thought, ‘within me,’ then you’re correct.
You feel every emotion within you, because that’s where your emotions are born.
Regardless of how many times you’ve thought that something or someone makes you feel a particular emotion, it’s not true. Items, people and situations are external catalysts that unlock emotions within you, because you have assigned them meaning or have created stories about them.
Over your lifetime you write countless stories about how you feel and your stories become embedded within you. And it is more efficient for your brain to retrieve an existing story then it is to write a new one, that’s why you begin to develop emotional behavior patterns. The problem is that you hold on to these patterns even when they become detrimental to you.
Realizing or admitting that your emotions are within your control is the first step to changing your behavior patterns. It’s also the hardest step because you now have to take responsibility for how you feel. But if you really want to change how you react or respond, then you have to take the first step.
Once you decide that you do want to be responsible for how you feel then the work begins. You now have to become a conscious author of your emotions. You have to rewrite or write new stories about how you feel. This will be difficult because your old patterns will not disappear; you have to write over them. And consistency is the key to doing so because if you’re not consistent, then your old patterns will resurface.
Is it worth the effort to become the conscious author of your emotions or is it easier to keep blaming external forces for you how you feel?
That’s a question you have to answer for yourself
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