Do something.
See nothing.
Do something.
See nothing.
Do something.
See nothing.
Do something.
See something.
Very often when you’re working on a personal goal or even a business project you’ll feel as though your efforts are in vain because you’re not seeing any results. And the truth is that at times your results might not be visible. But if you remember, in your fifth-grade science class you learned Newton’s third law -for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So the only way your actions will not result in reactions is if your actions defy the laws of physics.
In the business world, the common names for the period of struggle where progress feels to have stalled are the dip, the trough of despair, disillusionment or sorrow, also the period of resistance.
It’s when you’re going through any one of these phases that the thought of giving up challenges your spirit every day. And just to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with giving up. The best business people and military strategists will tell you that knowing when to quit is half the battle. But just because you give up doesn’t mean that your actions did not yield results, it’s just that they were not the results you were hoping for in the time frame of your needs, wants and/or expectations.
So, if there’s a goal or an endeavor you’re pursuing and you’re not yet seeing the results you need, want or expect then you have to decide whether to continue or not. But know this, the act and feeling of doing something and seeing nothing will be with you in whatever you pursue, and my guess is that the last thing you want to remember yourself as is the person that gave up on everything, because each time you tried something and saw nothing, you quit and walked away.
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