What’s your crazy idea?
I know you have one, if not many.
Go ahead, you can tell me. No one’s listening.
We all have crazy ideas. It’s what humans do.
Look around you. Your life is filled with other people’s crazy ideas. In fact, you’re reading this on a crazy idea.
If you’re reading this text on a screen, then you might even be aware that this text doesn’t exist as text but a series of ones and zeros.
Your crazy ideas stem from your experiences and the unique way in which you view the world. While others might have similar ideas, none will have the same idea as you.
If you look back in history, you’ll find that people were thinking about and attempting to build pyramids to flying machines that suited their unique cultures. The results might seem similar, but the way they got there was very different.
Even today, you’ll find variations of crazy ideas. From automobiles, clothing, computers, medicine, and everything in between, you can see people expressing their crazy ideas.
Crazy ideas do not always have to be tied to financial gains. Many of the crazy ideas that have made huge financial gains didn’t start that way. They began as an individual’s desire to see their crazy idea come to life.
So instead of dismissing your crazy ideas, write them down, talk about them, and don’t worry if people reject them as crazy. Always remember that it’s because of crazy ideas that humans have survived and thrived so far. And if we want to continue to do so, then we’ll need many more crazy ideas.
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