Will you learn to leverage or be a victim of creeping normality?
If you’re not familiar with the concept of creeping normality, then let me help you.
“Creeping normality is a process by which a major change can be accepted as normal and acceptable if it happens slowly through small, often unnoticeable, increments of change. The change could otherwise be regarded as remarkable and objectionable if it took place in a single step or short period.” (Wikipedia)
Let’s look at a couple of concrete examples of creeping normality.
Imagine for a moment you enjoy a daily alcoholic nightcap. It begins with one drink every evening just to relax you from the burden of your day. But then, slowly but surely, you begin to venture down the slippery path to two, three, or as many drinks as you need to leave your day behind. You are now a victim of creeping normality.
Now for the second thought experiment.
Imagine you want to increase the amount of money you want to save. You can always begin with considerable lump sum savings, but you might be intimidated, or your finances might not be a position for you to do so. Here’s where you can leverage creeping normality, by starting small, just enough to create a habit, until saving money becomes your new normal.
If the concept of creeping normality sounds to you like the road to creating habits, then you’re spot on. It’s just that sometimes, at first glance, the actions you take might not look like habits. They appear to be normal, everyday behavior. And you don’t realize you’ve adopted a new habit until you’re knee-deep in it.
So, learn to be vigilant to the concept of creeping normality. Avoid becoming a victim of it and learn to leverage it to become the person you want to be.
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