How often do people follow cynics and skeptics?
Not very often.
Do you know why?
Because cynics and skeptics don’t exude hope for the future. I’m not suggesting that viewpoints of cynics and skeptics aren’t valid, in fact, at times they might be more rational than optimists, it’s just that people want to have hope. They want to feel as though the future is something worth working towards and living for.
So why am I writing to you about cynics and skeptics?
Because I want you to be careful about your own state of mind. And while I don’t want to you go through life blissfully ignorant about reality, I also don’t want you to become jaded and lose hope about the future.
Hope, while not quite an emotion, is the foundation upon which you build your entire being. If you didn’t have hope, you wouldn’t even get out of bed. The individuals that suffer from depression and struggle to start and get through their days are battling hopelessness. Clinical depression is a serious disease and not for a moment do I recommend that you ignore or try to fight your way through it alone. But if you’re not depressed then hope is your best elixir for life.
There will be times in your life when being cynical and skeptical will be an advantage and possibly save you from making poor choices and decisions, but for the most part, attempt to maintain a hopeful disposition. Not only will you feel better about yourself and your future, but you’ll also be the kind of person other people will want to spend time with.
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