What are you trading your days for?
Are you letting each one of your days slip away without seeking specific returns?
It’s very easy to get into the habit not accounting for you days because each one doesn’t seem to have an intrinsic value placed upon in. For example, when you spend or give a dollar you expect something in return. Sometimes the value you receive is greater than the dollar you gave and other times it’s not, but you still get a return. Even dollars donated give you an intangible return of personal satisfaction. But days often get lost and used without being accounted for.
What if you started accounting for your days by expecting certain returns just as you would from any other investment?
I’m not suggesting that you have to expect only monetary returns from your day because there will times in your life when that might not be the most important thing to you. In fact, let me go out on a limb here and say that I hope money is never the most important thing in your life. What I am saying is that you consider allocating time in your day towards building a full, well-rounded life for yourself. You consciously invest time in your mental and physical well-being, and you invest time in your relationships.
The sooner you start accounting for the days you’re trading the more value you’ll begin to expect from them. And don’t forget, money is an infinite resource but the days you have to trade are not.
So as you set off to trade your day today, focus on what you’re trading it for. And if the returns you’re receiving are not fulfilling the priorities you want for your life, then it might be time to re-evaluate where and how you’ll trade the remaining days you have.
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