When was the last time you allowed yourself to spend time daydreaming?
Hopefully, it wasn’t too long ago.
Daydreaming has often been relegated to a childish activity, but only by adults who have lost or perhaps forgotten the magic that can occur while daydreaming.
Adults have a tendency to think wandering minds are bad or inefficient, but this is far from the truth. Numerous studies have shown that daydreaming can actually be a sign of an efficient or even intellectual mind. A brain that can process a task quickly will do so and wait for the next task, but if not presented with one might then wander and think about something completely different. And many times, during this wandering is when ideas are born.
If you need further convincing then you might like to know that some of the most important artistic, business and scientific breakthroughs ever made by people like Einstein and many others came about because they allowed their minds to wander.
Daydreaming or giving your mind a break from immediate tasks at hand allows it not only to rest, but also the opportunity to stitch together disparate thoughts and concepts that you might not otherwise do during intense task-oriented thinking.
So the next time you find yourself stuck on a task or between things on your to-do list, instead of moving on to the immediate next thing, give yourself the permission to daydream. Tap into your inner child and let your mind wander. You might just surprise yourself with the creative or inspirational ideas it’ll come back with once it’s done wandering.
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