Who is going to do it for you?
Who is going to get your life in order?
Who is going to address all the challenges you have?
Well, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that no one but you can fix or improve your life, and the bad news is, hopefully, you’ve guessed by now that the bad news is that only you can fix or improve your life.
Yes, there might be people that show up in your life that can give you advice or perhaps even point you in the right direction, but ultimately it’s going to be you that has to take action. Your life is a DIY project. You can acquire all the tools, tricks, and tips you need, but ultimately it’s going to be you that has to put in the work.
The sooner you realize that your life is your responsibility the better off you’ll be. This does not mean you don’t seek out help when you need it, on the contrary, I recommend you learn to access every resource available to you, and once you have the resource in hand, go to work on yourself as soon as you can.
Now I understand that at first the idea of a DIY life might seem burdensome, but if you view it from a different perspective you’ll also find it freeing. Just like a DIY project you get to design and build the best life that you can for yourself. So roll your sleeves up and get to work on your life today. I promise that it’ll be the most important DIY project you’ll ever do.
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