What do think about making today an easy day for you?
Hopefully, you like the idea. So here’s how you do it, do only what you can and not an ounce more. That’s it, that’s all you have to do.
If that sounds too simple and that there might be a catch, then your correct because if you’re like most people then you really don’t know how much you can really do. Where’s the line, the limit to what you can get done in a day? Yes, there are obvious markers of time and physical exhaustion that might prevent you from doing more, but besides those, there really is no telling how much you can get done.
There is a clear distinction between the things you can do and the things that need to be done. And there will be times when you can’t or will not be able to do everything that needs to be done, and that’s okay, as long as you know you did as much you could.
Keep in mind that doing what you can do is not about quantity, it’s about progress, it’s about moving the needle forward on projects and tasks that are important to you. Once you adopt the mindset of doing all that you can do, then you’ll begin to reap the benefits of compounded effort over time. So set off on your day today and do what you can, and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that today you did all that you could.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.