How many adults do you know that are still enrolled in Drama Club?
You know the people I’m talking about. The ones that always seem to have something dramatic going on in their lives, or if they don’t then they seek out the drama in other people’s lives. You probably even know the ones that become restless when there isn’t any drama, so they manufacture their own dramatic events.
How much drama do you have in your life?
A lot?
A little?
Or none?
Life itself is full of interesting ups and downs and can keep you engaged and entertained in all sorts of ways, especially if you’re paying attention to it, and rarely is there a need to add additional drama to life’s escapades.
Then why do people seek out drama?
When researchers studied drama in relationships, they identified three specific traits or roles. One of the most popular is the Karpman Triangle by Stephen Karpman M.D
The Victim – The victim in Karpman’s triangle is not an actual victim, but rather someone feeling or acting like a victim.
The Persecutor- The persecutor is controlling, blaming, critical, oppressive, angry, authoritative, rigid, and superior – self-righteous. The persecutor insists, “It’s all your fault.”
The Rescuer- The rescuer is a classic enabler. The rescuer feels guilty if he/she doesn’t rescue. Yet his/her rescuing has negative effects: it keeps the victim dependent and gives the victim permission to fail. It also keeps the rescuer stuck in focusing energy on someone else’s problems, not solving his/her own. The rescuer’s line is “Let me help you.”
If you find yourself slipping into any one of these three roles, then you know that you’re engaging in drama. Now while drama isn’t inherently bad, it can drain your attention energy, and focus, all of which could be going towards something more positive in your life.
So now you know a few of the identifying traits of the adult drama club, you get to decide whether you want to participate or not. Just keep in mind, the more drama you invite into your life the less time you’ll have for the other, perhaps even more interesting, or important activities. You see, the thing about drama is that the more you participate, the more it takes from you.
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