What’s your biggest dream?
What’s the one thing wish you could make happen?
If you don’t have one, no worries, if you’re reading this, there’s still time.
A big dream is a beautiful thing to have because it continuously pulls you into the future. It’s the thing you think about when you wake up and go to bed. It’s the nagging thought that’s always on a slow simmer in the back of your mind throughout your day.
If you’re lucky enough to be working on your big dream full time then you’re absolutely one of the lucky ones, but if you’re not, then that’s okay too. Most people work on their big dreams, find, and or make time to do so. They find time in the crevices and creases of their day. They skip the occasional lunch; they sneak in an early hour or two before the rest of the world is awake or have gone to sleep. The point is they find a way. Let me rephrase that. They don’t find a way; their dream continues to lure them, and they can’t stay away.
I hope that you dare to create a big dream for yourself. One so big that it almost seems impossible, but you still pursue it. Perhaps even a dream so big that it lives on after you’ve gone, and others are so motivated by your work that your dream becomes their dream, and they carry your torch into their future.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.