Why should you embrace boredom?
Because in many cases, boredom is the key to success.
Now, this might sound a little confusing, so let me explain.
Boredom, repetition, monotony all carry a certain negative stigma, but if you ask anyone that has experienced any kind of success, they will tell you that all of these feelings are an integral part of their journey.
The athlete has to put in the reps, the entrepreneur has to make the calls and the performer has to continuously practice their art. Every professional in their respective field knows that in order to be excellent at what they do, they have to fight through the boredom of repetition in order to achieve a level of greatness. Even those that want strong, long-lasting relationships understand that not every day will be filled with excitement and that a certain amount of monotony comes with the territory.
So how do you embrace boredom?
You maintain a clear vision of what you’re attempting to accomplish. A clear compelling vision will pull you through the sludge of boredom. It will remind you why you’re putting the time and on occasion give you the additional motivation to put in one more rep, make one more call, and practice one more time.
Now I’m not saying that you should stick with something at all costs. What I am suggesting is that you make reasonable, rational decisions about your life, and if after you do so you come to the conclusion that you want to pursue or accomplish something then make your ability to embrace boredom your superpower. Your ability to manage or even leverage boredom will separate you from those that have given up on what they wanted, not because they didn’t have the necessary skills, but because they couldn’t handle the monotony of the journey.
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