What are you willing to fight for?
While this might sound a little aggressive, there are times when you need to decide if you’re going to dig your heels in, put your shoulder down and push forward, or if you’re going to give up.
One of the definitions of fight is a violent confrontation or struggle, and neither one of these has to be against another person. In fact, if you’re lucky enough in life, you’ll probably never have a physical confrontation with another person; your biggest, scariest and worst opponent will be your own self.
You might be familiar with the phrase, ‘fight or flight,’ and although you might not realize it, this is what you’re doing every day. Each time you make the decision to pursue something you want, you’re deciding to take up the fight and engage in the struggle, and conversely, when you decide not to pursue, you engage in flight.
So the question now becomes, what are you willing to fight against yourself for?
Now there’s no denying that there will be some external obstacles, including people that might stand between you and what you want, and at times these obstacles might seem undefeatable, but that’s when you’ll need to decide if you’re going to engage in fight or flight.
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