If I made you, how would you do it?
If you were told that someone you loved would suffer irreparable harm if you didn’t accomplish a specific task, what would you do?
Would you find a way?
Would do whatever you could accomplish the task?
Or would you let the person perish?
While this sounds like an unrealistic scenario, it’s not. And my attempt to motivate you into action might fail as you read on without being moved, because the reality is, no one is going to harm someone you love.
Or will they?
Nope, if you don’t act, there’s a high probability that no one will ever harm anyone you love. Except of course. The harm you will cause to yourself.
You see, if you don’t begin to act towards your own desires and goals in life, the person you will harm will be yourself. And hopefully, you love yourself enough to care if any harm comes to you.
The harm you inflict on yourself is not obvious at first, but slowly over time, it will begin to eat at you. You’ll begin to look back on your life and think about all the what-ifs? And while the damage might not irreparable, the longer you wait the harder it will be to fix.
So, learn to protect yourself just as you would any other person you love. Act as if your life is on the line and you must figure out ways to accomplish and achieve what you want out of life. Begin today, because the longer you wait to start, the more difficult it will be to repair the damage you will have inflicted on yourself.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.