Motivational quote by Marcus Aurelius

What are the first words you say every morning?

Do you welcome the day with joy?

Do you express gratitude for being awake?

Do you tell someone you love them?


Do you mutter and grumble about having to wake up?


Do you ignore the first words you use to start your day?

Starting your day by expressing gratitude and love for yourself and others can set the tone for your entire day.

Your words are not a panacea and don’t make challenges and problems disappear but serve as a reminder that, just for that moment, all is okay.

It takes less than a minute to set your day or the day of someone you love on a positive course, so why not make the effort to do so?

If saying positive words out loud feels a little awkward at first then you can start by thinking of them aloud in your head, or even just whispering them, so only you can hear them.

The best part of starting your day with words of gratitude and love for yourself and others is that it sets your frame for how you see yourself and the person you’re thinking of.

Start your day tomorrow with beautiful, positive words for yourself and others. Practice it for a week and see how you feel.

What have you got to lose? If it doesn’t change anything, you can always go back to grumbling and muttering.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, do me a favor and share it with one person you love.