No man was ever wise by chance.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

How do you gain wisdom?

Very often, the image of a wise person is an older man or woman that can, as if by magic, impart their wisdom as needed.

Wisdom is usually correlated with age because wisdom is gained through experiences over an extended period of time.

If experiences are the stepping stones to wisdom, and you want to one day benefit from your own wisdom, you must be open to new experiences. You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone.

A good starting point for your journey to wisdom is the admit to yourself that your current knowledge is not definitive or universal. This intentional admission of gaps in your thinking will open you to different and new ideas.

Another step towards gaining wisdom is your ability to unlearn what you already know. The process of unlearning can be challenging because it might force you to change some of your core beliefs – those that are tied to your identity.

Of course, I can’t write about gaining wisdom without mentioning or recommending you seek out mentors or, said differently, people with wisdom. Those that have gone before you and have experienced life and now willing to share their experiences with you.

The wonderful thing about the road to gaining wisdom is it’s a lifelong journey that you can choose to embark on at any point in life, it’s never too late, but the sooner you begin, the more wisdom you’ll gain.

So, set out today on your journey to gain wisdom. Do it not because you want to be known as a wise person. Do it because a life of new experiences, unlearning and re-learning, and spending time with wise people is a sure way to enrich your own life.

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