What are your natural gifts and talents?
If you’ve never considered or thought about your natural gifts or talents, then now might be a good time to do so.
While there are many skills you can learn, some will come easier to you than others. This is because due to your unique genetic makeup, you have innate strengths and weaknesses.
One of the keys to living a good life is your ability to tap into your strengths early on in life. This will be challenging at first because the industrialized education system and, to some degree, the social system sets an expectation that you should excel in every subject. And unfortunately, for some time, you will have to endure the discomfort of not being able to only focus on your strengths and will have to work on your weaknesses.
If you’re fortunate, then you’ll discover your natural gifts and talents at a young age, or someone will see them in you and point you in a direction that builds upon them. But, if you haven’t been so lucky, then not to worry, it’s not too late.
If you’re unsure what your gifts or talents might be, then one way to discover them is to think about things that you’re naturally good at or come easily to you. Not easy in the sense of no effort, but in a way, you don’t mind putting in the effort. For example, a musician might be naturally gifted but willing to spend hours practicing because she enjoys the work.
The good news is that everyone has specific gifts and talents, and while yours might seem similar to others, they can still be unique in the way you wield them.
So, spend some time today thinking about your unique gifts and talents. Look back through your life and begin to connect the dots between activities that energized you and where you excelled versus those when you didn’t. Tap into and build on your natural gifts and talents to become the best version of you.
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