Wisdom is knowing when to have rest, when to have activity, and how much of each to have. — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

How often do you give yourself a break?

How do you speak to yourself when projects are not going your way, you’re behind on a deadline, or perhaps you’ve had a recent failure?

Instead of berating yourself or reminding yourself of all your other past mishaps, learn to give yourself a break.

I’m not saying you should take your foot off the gas entirely; I’m just suggesting that occasionally, give yourself a break. Go easy on yourself.

Life’s requests and demands will never stop, so you must learn to step away from them. Whether you choose to do this for a minute an hour a day or any other amount of time is up to you, but just learn to do so.

Taking a break doesn’t mean giving up, it’s just taking time to reset. Think of it as rebooting a computer that’s stuck.

Now you might wonder if giving yourself a break really is worth doing and that you might even lose your edge if you’re soft on yourself, which are valid concerns. But think of it this way, any object, whether in nature or manmade will eventually break if it’s under pressure all the time. And you’re no different.

So, the next time you find yourself overwhelmed with a challenge, or struggling with a recent failure, give yourself a break. Reboot, reset, refresh, and prepare for your next set of challenges. They’ll be waiting right where you left them.

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