"Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones" Geoffrey Chaucer

How does it feel when you’re criticized?

Or, when you’re reminded of your errors in judgement, flaws and mistakes?

It probably stings a little, or maybe even worse, it reminds you that you’re not perfect.

Failures, errors in judgement, mistakes are all part of being human and I’ll bet it’s almost impossible to find a person that hasn’t experienced at least one if not all three of these during the course of their life.

The interesting thing is that when someone else makes an error or mistake it’s easier to point out how they could have foreseen their error because it’s not how you would have done it. But that’s just it, they’re not you, and although it might look like you’re experiencing the world in similar ways, you’re not.

Criticizing and pointing out someone else’s mistake is easy because you are a spectator to, and not a participant in their life. And they too are only spectators to your life. So what would it look like if when errors and mistakes are made, grace and forgiveness were deployed instead of criticism and outrage?

Keep in mind that almost no one sets out to intentionally make mistakes, but for whatever reason, they do occur. Lapses in judgment, situational thinking, personal history and a number of other reasons are why errors and mistakes are made. This applies to others and you too.

So the next time you see someone make an error in judgment or slip up, remember, we all live in glass houses, and it’s just a matter of time before you do the same too.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.