Do I have your attention?
More important is, do you have your attention?
Perhaps even more important, who has your attention?
Why is your attention so important?
Because it’s the foundation of building knowledge and building your life.
Imagine for a moment that you have contracted a builder to build a house for you. They show up at the building site, and instead of pouring the entire foundation, they pour just one corner and leave.
How would you respond?
You’d probably be concerned. And rightfully so.
You know that when building a house, the entire foundation must be poured simultaneously so that it cures in one piece, which provides it the strength to support the entire structure.
Your attention works like a foundation.
If you’re trying to learn or accomplish anything worthwhile, you need to learn to pay undivided attention.
One way to learn to pay attention is to ask yourself this question.
What do I want to accomplish?
Once you ask yourself this question, then you’ll know what you should spend your time doing. By the way, the question applies not only to work or tasks but can also apply to other areas of your life. Relationships, health, and if your so inclined, you can even think about what you want to accomplish spiritually.
Always keep in mind that your attention is the force that has the ability to grow and keep alive all that is important to you. Learn to harness it so that you can build your life on a strong and sturdy foundation.
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