What’s your hidden talent?
What are you good at that you’re holding back from the world?
Are you an artist, a singer, an inventor, a writer, or do you have some other talent within you that you’re keeping bottled up?
Each one of us is born with a set of inherent talents and it’s up to us whether or not to develop those talents or let them languish over time. One of the reasons most choose not to focus or work on their talents is that the environment in which they are raised doesn’t value or encourage the development of those talents, and so they fade away. But they never quite disappear.
How do you know that your hidden talent hasn’t disappeared?
You’ll know because you’ll have a gnawing feeling inside you. You’ll carry a persistent feeling that rears its head on occasion and says to you, ‘I can do that.’ That’s your talent speaking to you. Of course, how you respond is up to you.
If you have a hidden talent that’s been speaking to you for a while then maybe it’s time you give yourself permission to explore it. If you don’t at least give your talent an opportunity, then you’re not only wasting a natural gift, but you’re missing out because the world is always looking for and in need of talented people. And, if after using your talent for a while you no longer enjoy it, then you can always push it back into the recess of your mind and let it mumble away while you try to ignore it.