Car didn’t start?
Failed a test?
Fired from work?
Had an accident?
Heart broken?
Lost a loved one?
Lost money?
Missed a flight?
Welcome to the club.
If you’ve experienced any of the above then you are member of the human club.
Yes, the good news is that it didn’t just happen to you but billions of other members.
The list you just read is the short list. There are many members that have experienced and endured so much more.
I know when you joined the club you weren’t told about all the things that you might experience, but it’s because we didn’t’ want to scare you.
Now look at the list again.
Do you see the empty spaces between each question?
That’s where the beauty of life resides.
That’s where the fun happens.
And that’s what I want you to focus on.
That’s where your life will be moving along smoothly and you won’t realize it until you come up against the next challenge.
You will for sure encounter challenges, but that’s the price of membership that’s paid not just by you, but also everyone around you.
However, if you can shift your focus from the price you pay to the benefits you get, and the moments you enjoy, then you’ll realize that it’s well worth being a member of the club.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with someone you like.