What does the ideal occupation look like?
What does the ideal person look like?
What does the ideal relationship look like?
The ideal of anything is a fiction created in a moment.
It’s when your mind allows all the best qualities it can imagine to come together and form an ideal of an object, person, or situation. The problem is that your mind cannot distinguish the difference between imagination and reality, so when it conjures up the image of the ideal, it does so in a space where little else exists.
In fact, even one dictionary definition of ideal is “existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality.”
How often have you tried to pursue an ideal image in an area of your life?
What did you learn?
I’m not attempting to dissuade you from pursuing your dreams or goals, nor am I suggesting a version of an ideal isn’t possible. What I am saying is that there will always be a difference between your imagination and reality, and the degrees of differences will depend on a case-by-case basis.
For instance, if you imagine an ideal inanimate object, the odds of creating it are much higher because you are manipulating molecules to meet certain specifications. But if you try to do the same thing with a person or situation, the likelihood that you will succeed is very slim.
In most cases, pursuing an ideal version of anything can be considered a fool’s errand, especially if you compare your real life to your idealized life.
And imagine if you could create a reality where all your ideals came true. It might sound good for a moment, but do you remember what happened in the fable of King Midas?
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