What are you doing to improve your psychological well-being?
Before reading any further, let’s look at the definition of psychological well-being.
Psychological well-being (PWB) is defined as one’s level of psychological happiness/health, encompassing life satisfaction and feelings of accomplishment.
In a nutshell, there’s happiness, satisfaction, and feelings of accomplishment.
So how do you work on all these areas?
Fear not. I’m going to provide you with a quick ‘how to improve your well-being’ framework. Oh, and this framework is not my idea. I’m just the messenger. The framework is based on scientific research. You can read the entire study here.
The four pillars of the framework are awareness, connection, insight, and purpose.
Awareness is about paying attention to your environment and your internal cues, such as bodily sensations, thoughts, and emotions.
Connection is as it sounds. It’s about improving and maintaining relationships with other people. Think community.
Insight is about introspection. It’s recognizing your thinking about situations and what triggers you and then changing or adjusting your thinking to improve your well-being.
Purpose is about finding purpose in life. This pillar is perhaps the most challenging because your purpose in life is bound to change. But if you can link your daily activities to a purpose beyond immediate results, then you will live a more fulfilled life.
It’s obvious that each one of these pillars requires time, attention, and action to improve your psychological well-being. But a little effort applied regularly will go a long way.
So, you have a choice to make. Now that you have a framework to guide you, will you ignore it and let your well-being stumble through life, or will you choose to prioritize your psychological health? I hope you believe you’re worth the effort and choose the latter.
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