Why is it so difficult to change?
Are there some magical invisible forces acting against you?
Unfortunately, forces are acting against you, and yes, quite often, you can’t see them. But if you take some time to investigate, then you can identify them.
There is an equation to change, and it’s that when you consider making any change, there will be forces in favor and forces against making that change. And it’s your job to identify what those forces are.
The key to making lasting, successful change is making the forces in favor of change greater than those against the change. While this might sound straightforward, how do you go about doing so?
Good question.
Here’s one suggestion. Call on the spirit of Ben Franklin.
Why Ben Franklin?
Because Ben Franklin, although I’m pretty sure wasn’t the first person to do so, was known for making a list of pros and cons for making decisions. Essentially, he made a process of identifying the forces, or reasons, for or against change.
The process of evaluating pros and cons is simple and yet powerful. All you need to do is get a piece of paper and draw two columns: label one column pros and the other cons. And then start identifying the reasons for and against the change. Make your list as exhaustive as possible and if need be, seek additional advice or help.
Making a list of pros and cons shines a light on the forces for and against the change you’re thinking about making and allows you to ask yourself whether it’s worth your effort to exert the necessary energy needed to change.
So, the next time you’re considering implementing a change in your life, don’t forget about the invisible forces working to keep you where you are. Evaluate your current state versus the change you’re thinking about adopting. And if you decide to move forward, then – please forgive the Star Wars sounding advice – may your force be stronger than the ones acting against you.
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