The more man meditates upon good thoughts; the better will be his world and the world at large. Confucius

Do you accept every invitation you receive?

I’m going to guess that you don’t.

You probably evaluate each invitation and then prioritize based on your desire to attend and how much time you have.

What about when it comes to your thoughts?

Your subconscious serves you with thousands of thought invitations a day. And while you don’t have control over most of them, you can choose the ones you want to engage with.

With practice, you can learn to disengage from thoughts that create clouds of negativity and cause you discomfort.

You can pursue personally empowering thoughts.

You can practice by meditating, praying, or sitting silently for a few minutes. By taking some time to monitor your thoughts, you’ll come to realize just how many are being generated automatically.

If you choose to practice, you will quickly learn that your mind is not always serving you with what’s best for you and that you don’t have to accept every thought invitation it sends you.

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