When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. – Viktor Frankl

Are you waiting for an easier day to come along?

A day so smooth that you glide right through it without experiencing any challenges?

Well, you’ll have to keep waiting,  because that day doesn’t exist.

And if you’re wondering, I can tell you with almost complete certainty that it doesn’t exist for anyone.

It might seem at times that some have it easier than you do, and you could be right. But others are thinking the same when they see you.

Everyone is experiencing their unique set of challenges and dealing with them accordingly.

I know I said easier days don’t come along, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change how you view your challenges.

You can begin by realizing that many of the challenges you face are temporary, and although they might seem huge in the moment, you know with some rational thinking that they will pass with time.

What I’m suggesting is that you learn to change your relationship with your challenges instead of fighting against them. This does not mean you take a passive position, just that you actively engage from a different viewpoint.

The truth is that in order to make your days easier, you have to work harder on yourself and not on the challenges you face.

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