When was the last time you delegated a task to someone?
This might sound like a strange question, especially if you don’t consider yourself in a position to delegate tasks or work to another person. But delegation is more about mindset.
You see, the problem with delegation is that you were taught, maybe not explicitly, but implicitly, that it’s wrong. For about eighteen years of your life, or however long you were immersed in the education system, you’re told that you must do everything yourself, that you’re responsible for all your results. And while this might have some semblance of truth to it, it narrows your thinking.
If you study leaders of companies or organizations, you’ll quickly learn that one of their superpowers is their ability to delegate tasks. They play to their strengths and only focus on a handful of responsibilities where they can be most effective. If a leader didn’t know how to delegate, then there would only one-person organizations. Without delegation, even the schools you attended wouldn’t be able to function.
Delegating gives you the one thing that you can’t get or make more of, and that’s time. It allows you to leverage the time you have.
Now to delegate, you must be okay with not everything being done the way you’d do it. You must be able to relinquish some control. And this will be difficult at first because, remember; you’ve been ingrained to think that you must be responsible for your results. But delegating isn’t about abdicating your responsibility to results. It’s about finding new and creative ways to achieve the results you’re seeking.
Whatever your position in life, begin to learn to delegate. And yes, it might cost you some money, and you might have to make a few sacrifices in other areas of your life, but building your delegation muscle will be one of the greatest investments you’ll ever make in yourself. Because when you learn to delegate, you’ll get back time, and that is what life is made of.
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