How often do you find yourself trying to control every aspect of your life?
Even though at an intellectual level, you probably know that so much of what you encounter daily is out of your control. From inbound requests for your time and attention to unexpected illnesses and interruptions, all beyond your direct influence.
However, through the barrage of incoming, you still attempt to control as much as possible because if you don’t, you begin to feel irresponsible or neglectful. And when things begin to fall through the cracks, and you lose control, you experience anxiety and frustration.
It’s easy to let the feelings of anxiety and frustration overwhelm you because you feel as though only you’re responsible for all that happens in your life. But you don’t have to feel that way.
You can choose to let things go.
Letting go is not about abdicating responsibility or ignoring issues. It’s about trust. It’s about knowing that you’ll make the best decisions and take the appropriate actions as often as possible, but you don’t always have the ability to control the outcomes.
If letting go sounds like surrender, it is, but it’s an active, not passive surrender.
Letting go is about taking control of how you feel about what happens to you.
Letting go is about being a peace with yourself.
So, the next time you find yourself grappling with every aspect of your life and struggling to stay in control, try letting go instead. It might be hard at first but shift your thinking from attempting to control your external environment to control your inner self. Experience the sensation of peace and freedom of letting go.
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