What do you think of when you hear the words low expectations?
If you’re like most people, then when you hear the words low expectations, they probably carry a negative connotation.
But what if I told you that low expectations can be a good thing?
Low expectations can be a powerful tool to get you started on a challenging task or even a project you’ve been procrastinating on. Setting low expectations for yourself can be the push you need to get moving.
Now, if you’re wondering how having low expectations for yourself can be helpful, let me explain.
Setting low expectations for yourself doesn’t mean you don’t strive for excellence, greatness, or any other high level of achievement. In this context, low expectations mean setting a small, tiny, surmountable goal or step for yourself—a step you can take and achieve with minimal effort.
The secret behind setting low expectations is that in doing so, you’re not intimidated into inaction. It allows you to just for a moment stop comparing where or who you are to the person you want to be. And once you start meeting the goals of your low expectations, then the actions you take begin to compound over time.
To be clear, low expectations do not mean lower your standards. Keep your standards as high as you want to but use low expectations to reach them.
So, the next time you find yourself stuck or daunted by a big challenge or goal, start by setting low expectations for yourself. Use them as stepping stones to help you get started on your way, and as your confidence grows, then slowly, over time, begin to raise them. Let low expectations be your gateway to high achievement.
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