It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.  Edmund Hillary

What’s the most challenging step in making a change in your life?

If you answered, not making the same decision you made before, then you’re correct.

The answer sounds so simple and perhaps even logical, but in practice, it’s so challenging.

You see, when you make a new or different decision, you introduce complexity and uncertainty into your life. And your body and brain don’t enjoy either one. They like the status quo because it allows them to conserve energy and remain on their own version of autopilot.

Your brain and body begin to conspire against your new or different decision. Your brain starts generating what-if scenarios so that you start to second guess yourself. And your body, well, if you’ve ever experienced the sensation of butterflies in your midsection, that’s your body’s way of telling you’re doing something different.

The question is, do you give into your brain and body, or will you show them who’s in control and that they work for you?

Before I go on, let me be clear. Your brain and your body are not your enemies. While they are trying to conserve energy, they’re also trying to keep you alive. So, I’m not suggesting or recommending that you ignore their messages and warnings. I am proposing that if you’re making a decision that’s not putting you in harm’s way, then learn to override the messages your brain and body are sending you.

So, the next time you find yourself in a position to make a change in your life, recognize that the uncomfortable feeling you’re experiencing is your brain and body doing their job. And it’s your job to put them at ease and proceed with the change. You and they will soon realize that the uncomfortable feeling is only temporary, and the change might be good for all of you.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.