Control your environment, otherwise it will control you. Mike Ferry

How good are you at managing your environment?

Why would you want to manage your environment?

The primary reason you want to manage your environment is to help you reach your goals. Or said another way, allow you to live the life you want to live.

Let’s look at a few concrete examples of managing your environment.

If you feel that you’re overly distracted by social media and it’s affecting your relationships or preventing you from focusing on a task you want to accomplish, removing apps from your devices or making them harder to access are a couple of ways of managing your environment.

If it’s health and fitness you’re after, then removing junk food from your pantry or pre-committing to workouts are ways to manage your environment.

If time off from work or vacations are a priority for you, then booking in advance or blocking your calendar ahead of time are a couple of ways that can help you achieve your goals.

Managing your environment is all about eliminating decision-making. Or said differently, making decisions ahead of time so that when you’re tired or faced with choices or temptations that move you away from your goal, the ‘good’ or ‘rational’ version of you has already made the choices for the current you.

Managing your environment for your personal success or goals is all about setting rules that help you manipulate your future self.

So, the next time your find yourself contemplating a change that you’d like to make in your life, instead of relying on willpower, which can wax, and wane based on your energy and mood, consider managing your environment. Give your future you a head start by eliminating decisions and defining a clearer path towards your goals.

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