What actions will you take to shape your life?
While it might seem as though much of what you encounter in life is out of your control there’s still a significant amount of things that you can control. One of the biggest reasons you feel as though you don’t have control is because of the transition between childhood and adulthood.
You see, as a child, you were subjected to rules and order that you had to abide by, mostly because compliance came with praise and in some cases even meant survival. And so you learned quickly to not rely on your own instincts, but to wait to be told what to do and not to do. The problem is that so many people transition into adulthood and continue to go through life just waiting to be told what to do.
Going through life waiting to be told what to do is absolutely one way to get through life. It also allows you to rarely take responsibility for your own actions because you can always blame people and external forces for how you feel and for the results in your life.
But is that really how you want to live? Just waiting and acting on the whims and wishes of others.
Of course, you can if you want to. But keep in mind if that’s how you choose to live, you’ll always be the victim of circumstances and never the master.
If you want to know what it feels like to be master of your own life you’ll have to take actions to shape your own life. And while this might not always result in the traditional idea of success and you might not receive the praise and approval of others, you’ll feel the success of knowing that you’re responsible for your wins and losses.
How you decide to go through life is entirely up to you. But keep in mind that once you’ve transitioned from childhood to adulthood, you’ll have the opportunity presented to you almost on a daily basis to decide whether you’re going shape your own life or let others shape it for you.
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