What is your view of work?
Do you think of work as a necessary evil or something you get to, or want to do?
Your work can be one of the most personally satisfying and fulfilling areas of your life, especially if you can find that is meaningful for you.
Now there’s a chance that not every job you have on your career trajectory will seem meaningful at the time, but those times when you’re feeling dissatisfied are opportunities for you to think about the kind of work you’d like to do.
Finding meaningful work is one of the best things you can do for your life. But doing so is not always easy. You might choose a job or career early in life-based on your current personality and interests to find that the work is not what you thought it would be. Many careers seem interesting or glamourous from the outside looking in, but once you’re in them, they can very quickly lose their luster and become mundane.
If you find yourself in a job or career you’re no longer enjoying, then instead of being annoyed or frustrated, use the opportunity to learn.
Recent statistics show that people change jobs an average of twelve times during their working life, and most adults work for about thirty to forty years. As you can tell, your career journey will ebb and flow.
So, what will be your view of work on your career journey?
The sooner you find work that aligns with your interests and values, the more meaningful your career will be. So, rather than chase every job opportunity that’s presented to you, take time to evaluate, especially if you have the luxury of time to do so. Choosing your work carefully might be the difference between you having a career that’s meaningless or meaningful to you.
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