How often do you look at yourself in a mirror?
If you’re like most people, I’d guess at least once a day, if not more.
When you do look at yourself in a mirror, what are you looking for?
Are you looking to ensure you approve of how you look or to notice any changes that might have occurred?
While looking in a mirror might inform you of your physical appearance and well-being, it tells you nothing about your mental well-being. And that’s okay because, after all, Sleeping Beauty only asked, “mirror mirror who is fairest of them all?”
But, I’d argue that your mental health and appearance are just as, if not more important than your physical appearance, which leads to my next question.
How often do you check in on your mental state?
Do you check in with yourself at least once a day?
It’s easy to get lost in your physical appearance because, after all, it’s tangible and easy to recognize and compare, and perhaps more important to some, it’s what others can see. But having a beautiful, healthy body will only take you so far, especially if you have a poor mental state.
Now I’m not suggesting you obsess over your mental state the way some might over their physical appearance, but I recommend you make time daily to reflect upon mental well-being.
Checking in on your mental state shouldn’t take long. Just a few moments of time throughout your day when you can tune in to how you’re feeling about yourself. Asking yourself a few probing questions, and if you’re an overachiever, you can even jot your answers down.
My goal of asking you to evaluate your mental health isn’t to add any more work to your already full plate. It’s to remind you that there’s more to you than your body.
So, while looking in a mirror to ensure that your physical appearance looks acceptable or good to you, don’t forget to also check in with your mental state. After all, we both know that beauty and good looks wane over time, but your mind will always be with you.
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