What are your non-negotiables?
If you’re wondering what a non-negotiable is, then let me help you. A non-negotiable is a thing that you’re committed to without compromise. Obviously, there’s always room for extenuating circumstances, but let that be the exception and not the rule.
When you commit to a non-negotiable, you’re essentially saying to yourself and the world that you’re going to do a thing no matter how you feel because you know that thing is important to you. And you’re also saying that you will not tolerate or participate in words or deeds that do not align with your non-negotiables. If non-negotiables sound like boundaries, it’s because they are.
Examples of non-negotiables are:
You will not say anything about another person that you wouldn’t say directly to them.
You will always prioritize your health.
You will always put family first.
The reason for drawing hard lines in the sand for yourself is that they keep you aligned with your values and eliminate the need for decision-making. You’re not wasting energy asking yourself, should I or shouldn’t I? because your non-negotiable is the rule you live by.
Of course, non-negotiables are not a requirement for living, but they can make your life a little easier. Think of them as mini autopilots that you can use to drive your life in a specific direction and, while you might need to occasionally course correct. They do most of the work for you.
So, ask yourself, what are going to be your non-negotiables? What areas of your life are you no longer going to leave to chance? Establish boundaries for yourself that align with your beliefs and values and set your life on a course to become the person you want to be.
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