All your reasons for not being able to make progress in your life are valid.
Everything you say and feel is true.
So now what do you do?
Do you give up?
There’s no one to fault you if you do.
Or do you make the choice to buckle down and continue to work towards what you aspire to be and do despite the obstacles?
While by no means an easy decision, it’s one you’ll need to make quite frequently in your life, especially if you’re not quite ready to bury your dreams. And keep in mind that if you do decide to pursue your dreams, there are no guarantees that you’ll achieve them, the prizes and accolades are never promised to anyone.
However, there is one prize or accolade that you will receive, and while not tangible, it’s the feeling, the knowing that you tried. And while at first, this might not seem like much, ultimately how you feel about yourself is the greatest prize of all.
So, as always, the decision is yours. Accept the reasons you can’t make progress and resign yourself to a life of unfulfilled dreams or adopt a mindset of ruthless tenacity with the knowing that victory is not guaranteed. Except of course the personal character victory of knowing at that you never gave up.
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