Life is a circle. The end of one journey is the beginning of the next. Joseph M. Marshall III

This is blog post number one thousand. And for now, the end of this writing journey.

I’ve been writing this blog since January of 2016, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and have only missed a couple of entries due to power outages and occasional issues while traveling. My process is simple, I write directly to a Word document and then publish it to my website. The Word document shows that I’ve written 278,236 words and is 1028 pages long.

For those that have been following along, you might know I started this blog because clients and people I’d been advising suggested I share my ideas with a broader audience. Like any other creative knows, I needed to define my audience, so I chose my daughters.

I wanted to leave them small nuggets of advice and ideas that might help them accelerate their learning and prompt them to think differently.

What began as an exercise in sharing advice that I thought would be relevant to them led to a published book and even speaking engagements with book signings.

I’m sharing this not to brag or boast but to illustrate some of the unpredictable results that can occur with consistent effort.

I hope that by reading this blog, I’ve also positively impacted your life and perhaps even inspired you to begin a small project of your own.

So, while this might be goodbye, for now, I will reserve the right to come back if I feel that there are additional thoughts that I’d like to share with you and my girls.

Thanks for reading!