Happiness is not the goal of your life. Growth is. Tony Robbins

What is your plan for personal growth?

Why is personal growth even important?

There are two kinds of personal growth. One is by chance; the other is deliberate.

Personal growth that occurs by chance is what you go through during the early part of life. From when you’re born to your late teens, you experience tremendous personal growth without ever really seeking it out. It’s nature’s gift to you.

But then what happens?

You become an adult, and you now have choices and independence.

You get to decide if you want to continue to grow or begin to stagnate.

Of course, as an adult, nature or life isn’t entirely done with you yet. There will still be opportunities for you to experience personal growth when faced with adversities and other unplanned events.

But what about deliberate personal growth?

Is it required?

No. But life is more fulfilling, and if that’s not your thing, then it’s more exciting if you intentionally seek out personal growth.

Fortunately for you, there’s no one sure-fire way to experience personal growth. You get to decide how and what you do to experience it.

You can choose if you want to grow emotionally, physically, spiritually, or even push your level of intelligence as far as you can. Or you can select them all and benefit from the adventure of growth in multiple arenas.

Ultimately, pursuing personal growth is all about releasing your inner potential. It’s not to meet the standards or expectations of anyone else. It’s about seeing what you can do with your own life.

So, take some time today and consider a personal growth plan for yourself. Unleash your fullest potential and be like the proverbial acorn that grows into the most prominent oak tree it can.

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