This is a work in progress – and I’ll continue adding to it as the idea unfolds.
You might be wondering why I’m writing about practicing boredom. And it’s a valid question. So let me explain.
Over the past four years (2019 – 2023), I’ve published over 230 episodes of the Bigger Than Us podcast (BTU), where I’ve interviewed CEOs and industry leaders, specifically in the Clean-tech vertical. For every published episode, I’ve had at least two conversations that were not recorded. So, if you’re doing the math, you’ll conclude that I’ve had over 1000 conversations over four years.
Before launching BTU, I’ve advised and coached executives from startups to Fortune 100 for over twenty years.
Now, you might still be wondering, so what? – what does this have to do with practicing boredom?
My takeaway from thousands of interactions is that one thing all these individuals have in common is their ability to handle and navigate boredom.

So, if boredom is the common denominator – how do you get better at practicing boredom?
Before we get to how to handle boredom – let’s discuss why you should be interested in practicing boredom.
98% of success is consistently doing boring things that no one sees. 2% is visible and exciting, so that’s all everyone talks about.