There are no big problems, there are just a lot of little problems. Henry Ford

What would your life be like if you had someone to solve all of your problems?

If you had your own personal problem butler that appeared every time you had a problem and said “here let me take that for you?”

Do you believe such a person would make your life better or easier?

Would you really give all of your problems to someone else to solve?

Or would you keep some for yourself?

Imagine how plain your life would be if you had absolutely no problems, if every day sailed along smoothly without as much as hiccup for you to overcome.

Very soon boredom would set in.

It’s probably not the case that you don’t want any problems, more than likely you wish you could pick and choose from a problem buffet. And you’d pick the ones you think you could solve and leave the rest for others.

But then life becomes predictable.

And again boredom would set in.

Problems are a strange phenomenon because so many aspects of a problem boil down to perspective. Have you ever noticed how you can see how others should solve their problems but struggle with your own? It’s because you have an outside in view of their problem.

Now you can do the same for yourself too, with your own personal problem butler.

Well not quite, but close.

Writing your problems out on paper can give you an opportunity to approach them with different perspective and an additional benefit is that you can get them out of your head, at least temporarily.

Once they are on paper you can break them down into smaller, more manageable pieces and give each one the focus it requires.

Removing your problems from your mind can help you with any anxiety or overwhelm you might be experiencing. In fact journaling has been recommended by therapists for this very reason.

So although you may never have your own personal problem butler, there’s a sheet of paper somewhere close to you saying “here, let me take those for you.”

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with someone you love.