How many quick wins can you accomplish today?
If you’re not sure what a quick win is, then let me explain.
A quick win is an action you can take with a high degree of confidence that you’re almost guaranteed to succeed.
Why are quick wins important?
Because they give you momentum. A quick win is an action you can take to launch you off the starting blocks and move you towards your goals.
Quick wins are stackable. They are small, short bursts of reassurance. When you begin to experience quick wins, you’ll begin to feel more confident and that’s when the virtuous cycle begins. When you begin to feel more confident, you’ll attempt to do more, then continue to rinse and repeat.
Pursuing quick wins doesn’t mean you only do what’s easy or guaranteed to succeed, you should balance quick wins with longer-term more challenging goals. You learn to use the quick win to eat the proverbial elephant one bite at a time.
Getting a quick win allows you to experience what completing a task feels like. They help you get a feeling of, if I can do that, what else can I do?
So, list out some quick wins that you can accomplish today and begin to build your confidence. And use the momentum to accomplish your larger life goals.
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