What is your raison d’être?
If you’re not familiar with the phrase, then here’s the definition. Raison d’être is a French word that means your reason or justification for existence.
Now I understand that you might not know or have not explored your reason or the justification for your existence, and that’s okay. It can be daunting to think about such a big question. But don’t let that intimidate you.
Searching for or thinking about your reason for existing can be a lifelong journey, and there isn’t always one answer to the question. And the answer can change depending on the stage of life you’re going through. If you ask a teenager and seventy-year-old their reasons for existing, you’ll likely get two very different answers because they have different priorities.
Occasionally, you’ll come across a unique individual who knows their reason for being from a very early age. But this is an exception, not the norm.
Thinking about your raison d’être is more about self-exploration than coming up with concrete answers. It’s about allowing yourself to follow your curiosity and to see what interests you. It’s about casting a wide net.
Finding your reason for existence is not a requirement of life, but it helps give your life direction. And when you have direction, you have meaning because you’re moving towards something.
So, set aside some time today or this week and think about your raison d’être. Let your mind wander and think about what’s interested you in the past or what you’re curious about today. Once you have a few answers, permit yourself to pursue them. And if, after doing so, you don’t find your reason for existence, that’s okay. Maybe our reason for existence is in the exploration and not in the finding.
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